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  1. about 20 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    Tim Rickard is eating some of Berkeley Breathed’s brownies.

  2. 4 days ago on Luann

    And only go to truck stops to get it. Then it’s fresh, crisp, and juicy. The neighborhood franchises let it sit in a bin all day.

  3. 4 days ago on Luann

    Well, cowboy, I’m a thigh guy, but it has to be Popeye’s spicy classic. Nothing else will do.

  4. 17 days ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    When I first settled in in my present town, young and ambitious, I was broke and shopped at garage sales and thrift stores for sundries. Somehow, now that I’m still here and retired, I’m about ready to go full circle.

  5. about 1 month ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    Michael Gambon: “Prairie oysters, soak that bread, taste the sandy bits, now imagine picking the membrane from between the teeth.” Something like that anyway. What a great movie that was.

  6. about 1 month ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    When I saw the Beavis & Butthead movie I didn’t know what corn hole was. I thought it was a pornographic reference.

  7. about 1 month ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    The first time I EVER heard of pickleball was at a camper park near Camp Verde, AZ. What’s this? I don’t know, try it you’ll like it.

  8. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Well, you did say Jehovah.

  9. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    White slavery. That got me fired.

  10. about 1 month ago on La Cucaracha

    Does anyone actually buy tortas? I have never tried one. I tried a gordita once and “meh.” I still would like to try a huarache to see if it’s any better.