Your favorite Will Rogers quote isn't my favorite Will Rogers quote.
That may slow Gladys down…but I’m not sure it’ll stop her.
If I lived on Ballard Street, I’m not sure I’d want to remember very much.
An easier way to do it, Red…start with the first page of Smiths and see how many are on that page, then multiply that number by the number of pages of Smiths. Maybe not an accurate count, but a reasonable estimate.
Good point!
W is twice the letter U will ever be.
No computer punch cards?
Whoops! Design flaw—he doesn’t have a mute button!
Looks like the toast is doing a slow burn.
I guess Mr. Szabo is just born to renovate.
That’s no reflection on Leroy, of course.
That may slow Gladys down…but I’m not sure it’ll stop her.