We can’t forget “The Ambiguously Gay Duo” and their modes of transportation.
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Reminds me of a blooper. Let’s take a leak out the window to see if it’s freezing.
Recall a Jeff MacNelly (Shoe) editorial cartoon. Snow White was looking at a dwarf with his trench coat open and she says, ‘and you must be Sleazy’.
Depends on the smell! If they smell like worn shoes, no surprise there is no demand.
Judging by his Blue Origin spaceship, I am noticing an obsessive fascination with pricks.
Look at his Blue Origin spaceship. Notice any similarities?
On your mark…get set…GROW!
Reminded me of Geico Aunt invasion commercial.
He just a little seasick. He must be new.
We can’t forget “The Ambiguously Gay Duo” and their modes of transportation.