The new CEO sat at his desk and drew an ecstatic breath. After surveying his huge, bare, desktop, he opened the drawer undeneath and found a large manila envelope from the previous CEO. He opened it and found a note and three smaller envelopes, labeled, 1, 2, and 3.
He read the note. “At each crisis in your administration open an envelope in the order they are numbered.”
So some time went by and a crisis developed. He opened the first envelope. Inside was a note, which read, “Blame me.”
So, he said, “It’s the fault of the previous CEO. I haven’t had time yet to completely correct all the wrong decisions he made.”
And things were fine. For a while. Then, he had to open the second envelope. Inside was a note, which read, “Blame the Board of Directors.”
So, he said, "It’s the fault of the Board of Directors. They haven’t given me the support I needed, and they haven’t fully funded my projects.
And things were fine. For a while, until he had to open the third envelope. Inside was a note, which began, “Get a large envelope and three smaller envelopes…”
The bookies would bail him out to avoid a huge potential loss of income.