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  1. about 7 years ago on Get Ready For Adulthood With These Hilarious Graduation Comics

    RUKM?? having a college degree increases your overall lifetime earnings significantly and increases opportunities! Gone are the days when college was a place to find a spouse ( for women).

  2. about 7 years ago on Get Ready For Adulthood With These Hilarious Graduation Comics

    Totally disagree with above-both my kids graduated with good job offers-which they took-daughter graduated in 2015 business/ marketing/ psychology and son in 2017 engineer. And most of their friends got jobs in their fields too-even an art history major. And they are managing their student debt well. Key seems to be to do internships in your field while in college -after sophomore year, devote summers to that-or work during school year. Many colleges and universities realize this and now help students get internships. Also apply for as many scholarships as possible and always fill out the FAFSA-I am amazed that more families just assume they don’t qualify for financial aid. Yes we paid a lot of money and made sacrifices (no travel, kept old cars, did without stuff-even newer clothes) for our kids to go to college but worth every penny.