Just yesterday I saw an article about a traffic officer who heard an animal in distress at the side of the road where the target car stopped. After the car drove off, the officer searched through the weeds and brambles and rescued a tiny tuxedo kitten. Even though he was allergic to cats, he took it home and to the vet and then nursed the little one back to health and subsequently saw it adopted by his sister. Above and beyond!
The medical shows give the impression that all is non-stop activity in an ER. In reality the intense activity is punctuated by long stretches of frightening boredom with the most uncomfortable chairs ever made.
My childhood fear was much smaller. Dad would always say “sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite”. As soon as I heard him head downstairs, I would jump out of bed, turn on the lights, and carefully search for bugs before going back to bed. Decades later that old saying came up in dinner table conversation, so I told everyone about it, and poor Dad was absolutely devastated to think he had cause such anxiety in his little girl. So then I felt guilty about telling it. On the other hand, I am super vigilant about checking out motel rooms!
Many purrs and boops to the new Mama and kits. Hope all find great new homes. Also prayers and hugs for Shelly and family.