Things move fast in Tracy County. Just seems like it was yesterday that Gabriel was arrested.
It all depends if the plan is to have them appear in a court to face charges. Then there’s the Haywire approach, go in and, beat everybody up.
You two need to take flirting lessons from Stef, or, Tiffany.
If only Manfried could actually weild such power over an owner. In realitythe other owners would have to give him permission to have that talk.
Yes. Hearing tales of her dad beating bad guysis Hazy’s favorite bedtime story.
You meant you were goingto offer Mr. Basketball a drumstick, right Bernice? I’m sure you didn’t mean you were going to offer him your leg.
I’m not gonna touch this one, even with proverbial 10 ft. pole.
Federal, state, or, local EPA?
Bernice has made a (tentative) connection with one of the basketball players. Now can she ffirm up the deal?
How many times, in fiction-books, TV, etc., has the lead cop in a story use the line, please use your right to remain silent, to blabbing suspects?
Things move fast in Tracy County. Just seems like it was yesterday that Gabriel was arrested.