Thank you for a very cool personal reply and Thank You for your Service to Our Country. My grandfather also smoked Prince Albert but in a pipe. And The Count also found arrowheads and scrapers occasionally in the freshly plowed furrows of his farm. Sorry about the loss of yours. The Count’s are framed on a piece of burlap for a rustic look and are a prized possession,
Pointing out the blatant racism of policies like DEI and Affirmative Action is not racism. Believing in them and, indeed, living off of or benefitting from them is. You, perhaps? The Count is Race Blind and a Christian who believes God Created All Men (Mankind) Equal. God Bless America.
Old professional wrestler named Kamala the Ugandan Giant. Was Ugandan Headhunter but they toned it down. Google him up. Passed away due to COVID several years ago.
The German word for bra is Holdzemfrumfloppin