
Izzy Moreno Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 10 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Yes, and the matter of opinion has a lot more influence in your life than the matter of fact.

    I will say to you that the discussion of pineapple on pizza is much more important to you, specifically, than the discussion about the Earth’s shape.

    I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to understand why, but I’ll be happy to break it down for you, nonetheless.

  2. about 13 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    So yeah, they’re different speeds.

  3. about 13 hours ago on Pooch Cafe


    Sir, my condolences.

    I can only hope they don’t grow up to be like my girl – currently a six month old two year old.

    On the other hand, my spatial awareness has never been so fine tuned. I am now consistently able to detect an ambush before hearing or seeing anything.

  4. about 13 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    Well, you are comparing them to British guys, so “well groomed” is quite the low bar, here.

  5. about 21 hours ago on B.C.

    I think I saw this gag a few thousand times on old cartoons.

  6. about 21 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    They can only stand so much filth in the water, before they expire.

  7. about 21 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Not everything, but in this particular case, yes. A VERY good reason.

  8. about 22 hours ago on Tarzan

    Oh, Tarzan can handle a lot more men, young officer.

  9. about 22 hours ago on Bloom County

    Isn’t there another uncultured and boring princess living off of others, nowadays?

  10. about 22 hours ago on Bozo

    3. I keep trying to do the same to my balcony flowerbed, but the neighbor above me waters hers, and the excess water trickles down to mine.

    No matter what I do, I keep getting green stuff growing in my flowerbed, I don’t want it!

    Bozos, what can I do to keep herbs from growing?

    The balcony flowerbed, and its soil, came with the apartment. What do?